5 March 2011

ATP Festival - I'll Be Your Mirror, Studio Coast Tokyo, 27 February 2011

ATP festival had been a cool icon of music events in UK for many years with wide range of cool indie, avant-garde and experimental music artiists. After expanding aborad to Australia and New York, ATP festival has at last landed Asia this year in Tokyo. So I take few days off to fly there to see this ATP event especially for the mighty Goodspeed....

It's interesting to see the first introduction wordings in this ATP event booklet "So the big question is why did we bring I'll Be Your Mirror to Japan and not ATP? Well we still plan to bring ATP and this event is to serve as an appetizer to ATP's main course."....a really good news to have good chance having 3-day ATP festival some days in near future.

This mini festival was hosted in a venue called studio coast....everything is fine for the venue except the size is not big enough....I just felt so crowd to leave the stage for beer, toilet, locker or even a fresh air.....it's also a down side to see Keiji Haino, Envy and Melt Banana played in a too-small stage 2 that many audiences just can;t get in.....nevertheless, overall speaking, this one-day event is still good and memorable for me especially for the stunning performance of Godspeed, Dirty Three and Boredoms.....you might take a look of below video clips and photos to experience the event.....

The Venue

Bar & Merchandise

Stage 1

Stage 2




Fuck Buttons

Dirty Three

Godspeed You! Black Emperor

End of The Show

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