27 April 2011

Incendies 母親的告白

(My Rating: 4.2/5)

Without too much knowledge and expectation to see this movie as my girlfriend bought me the ticket……since the first shot seeing number of middle-east orphan war child’s hair shaving shot backed with saddened Radiohead’s “You and Whose Army?"…….I know I meet a movie with something special……it’s a master piece of works in nowadays movie standard especially for those who love independent culture (or Radiohead?!) with concerns and thinking on humanity, war-child, war, peace, religions, love/hate of middle-east in our universe….. although the end of movie seems a bit overly dramatic becoming anti-climax (preventing the movie becoming a real 5 start movie), it is still a sad but highly stunning movie you should not miss…..

Incendies is a 2010 Quebec film written and directed by Denis Villeneuve. This epic story is talking about a mother's last wishes send her twins Jeanne and Simon on a journey to Middle East in search of their tangled roots. Adapted from Wajdi Mouawad's acclaimed play, Incendies tells the powerful and moving tale of two young adults' voyage to the core of deep-rooted hatred, never-ending wars and enduring love and discovers the story of the woman who brought them into the world, discovering a tragic fate forever marked by war and hatred as well as the courage of an exceptional woman.

7 April 2011

PJ Harvey - Let England Shake

(My Rating: 3/5)
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Let England Shake is PJ Harvey’s new and 8th album recorded in a 19th Century church in Dorset England in collaboration with many well-known musicians like Flood, John Parish, and Mick Harvey. It is known that she began concentrating on writing lyrics for the album before setting the words to music. That’s why some called it as protest album and you can hear that she has something want to say about her native country. It’s kind of album more suitable for English, but not really for foreign people like me. 

I am not really like this album in the first listening especially for the wide contrast compared to her last fine weird folk album …..as seeing many positive reviews on her new album, I gave it another serious listening and the feeling is a bit better, but still not really like it…..just feeling that it’s an over-polished too-well-produced punk album performed by a no-more-outrageous mature woman and the result is a bit tasteless and emotionless……I think punk stuffs should have that raw and rough anti-establishment spirit!!  

6 April 2011

World's End Girlfriend, Live in HKAPA Hong Kong, 1 April 2011

I was disappointed with his last album……and now also disappointed with his latest concert in Hong Kong last Friday….It’s been quite a while for me not having such bad concert-going experience….even now still having some bad taste in the mouth…..insane noise music as in his last album is expected, it’s not the main let-down, in fact, the venue is good (if for soft music) and the graphic projection is excellent too (especially for standard of indie gigs)…..…

The main let-down is just too many mis-matches I see…..horrible extreme loud volume (I see audience in front of me trying ways to cover his ear for more comfortable sound), low resolution speakers (those computer noise sound layer just covered everything up makes the sound stage is weird), all-the-way-sit-back for a noise rock show (such a torture!!), zero interactive moment for a rock show (no applause, no break, no words, no climax just flat run-down!!)………My immediate feeling is that a indie rock show should not be like that......

I have brought my camera, but honestly no mood to take any picture......let's share the below picture from the courtesy of other blogger 袁智聰 to at least know how the show looks like......